Seven Podcasts For Aspiring Entrepreneurs in 2022
After a tumulous couple of years, 2022 is finally looking up.
But are you struggling to get motivated?
Here are seven podcasts packed with practical suggestions, insights and how-to guides for small company entrepreneurs.
- Omar Zenhom’s $100 MBA Show
What’s so great?
The award-winning $100 MBA Show, which has around 2000 episodes and counting, covers a lot of ground, much of it in the form of useful, how-to advice. Although it has American-centric references, the basic “business lessons for the real world” it offers, presented in 15-20 minute episodes, make it well worth a listen for small business owners in New Zealand.
- Podcast for Article 23
What’s go great?
The right to work, which is covered in Article 23 of the Declaration of Human Rights, serves as the inspiration for the Article 23 podcast. Expect to learn about important topics like privilege, leadership, diversity, and equality addressed in a way that is useful in the workplace.
Each 15-minute episode is just right in length to provide insightful content while remaining manageable in length.
One episode that is definitely worth checking out is Laura O’Reilly’s A New Future for Disability. It shares some great advice on how to overcome your fear and take constructive action with regard to hiring people with disabilities.
- Simon Pound’s Business is Boring
What’s go great?
The tagline for this podcast is “A podcast that says it’s anything but,” and Simon Pound and his guests live up to it by presenting stories that are everything but dull.
Simon interviews marketers, innovators, social enterprise start-ups, inventors, creative thinkers, and commentators on Business is Boring to get their real-life accounts of the ups and downs of running a business. Think insider perspectives on the pleasures and hazards of starting a business, coupled with exclusive advice from people who have been there and done that.
The majority of episodes last approximately 30 minutes, and the opening beat is certainly tub-thumping enough to engage the mind.
The Destinate NZ Show, #4
What’s go great?
The Destinate NZ podcast, hosted by Michelle Caldwell and Lisa Chambers, is a great resource for useful marketing advice and tactics delivered in a warm, approachable manner.
The topics covered in their how-to episodes range from how to win a business award to why and how to use photography to how to make people fall in love with your brand. Their older episodes tend to be succinct and contain a plethora of useful advice within manageable chunks of under 15 minutes. However, some of the podcasts also contain hour-long interviews and deeper digs.
The good news is that their advice on marketing will apply to a variety of sectors, not only those in tourism.
Do you own your own small business?
If you’re trying to juggle a lot of balls to run your own business, you may be tempted to put insurance lower on the priority list. It may be the last thing on your mind while you focus on gaining clients, establishing a good reputation, and managing your financial flow. However, if you don’t have insurance, all of your efforts can be for nothing if a client or other member of the public decides to sue you. Research your small business insurance options today.
- The Women in Business Podcast
What’s go great?
This podcast was first developed by coaches who work with women to help them succeed in their careers. It is a much-needed remedy for the uncertainty and anguish brought on by the pandemic. The ladies involved in the project are all successful and come from a variety of backgrounds. As such, they share a broad range of visions and specific goals.
The sustainability expert and environmentalist Abbie Reynolds, as well as Alliv Samson, co-founder of the tech start-up Kami, are featured in standout episodes.
The great thing about these podcasts is that they span people from a myriad of walks of life, including activists, lawyers, artists, and businesswomen. It’s a very inspiring and motivating platform.
- Sarah St. John’s The Frugalpreneur: Building a Business on a Bootstrapped Budget
What’s go great?
The Frugalpreneur is a podcast about how to launch, run, and develop a small business on a shoestring budget, which is essential knowledge for all small business owners, whether they are “bootstrapped” or not.
It is jam-packed with interviews with professionals in the fields of SEO, social media, money, investments, branding, copyright, hiring, and a tonne more.
While some episodes may be pertinent to a larger range of businesses, like material on recycling content, others will be industry-specific, like one on breaking into freelance web design.
- Guy Raz’s How I Built This
What’s go great?
Expect narrative-style interviews with business owners and innovators who share their inside perspectives on the good, the terrible, and the outright inspiring aspects of transforming an idea into an (often multi-million dollar) reality.
One of the things I love most about How I Built This is listening to other people’s success stories. For example, where else could you hear the success story of a businessman who sold everything he owned, underwent Buddhist monastic training, and co-founded the well-known Headspace app?
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