
Data Card and ways to use it: An explainer

The Internet has become one of the core necessities of our daily lives. While many of us rely on broadband and mobile data for matching our needs, data cards offer another way. The biggest benefit of having a data card is that you get internet on the go. The only real disadvantage of broadband is the fact that you cannot take it wherever you want to. A data card helps to put an end to that.

What is a data card?

A data card, also called a dongle in some cases, is a simple and small device which allows you to connect to the internet. The biggest advantage of the data card is its immense portability. The data card makes use of a cellular network, and you will need to connect the device to a USB connector for it to work smoothly.

Ways to use your data card effectively

Here are some methods to use the data card for your benefit:

Connect to the internet while travelling

If you are someone who travels a lot and needs frequent access to the internet, then data cards can be a huge boon for you. You can use the data card to connect to the internet and work on your devices worry-free, while you are on the move.

Creates a mobile hotspot

Another of the great use cases of the data card is that it can help you to turn your device into a hotspot. As a result, you can connect your devices, your friends or even your colleagues, to the internet. If you have multiple devices, such as tablets, laptops, and gaming consoles – then you can use a data card in such cases too.

Great substitute for a broadband connection

Data cards can also be a great substitute for your work-from-home or personal study needs. You could also rely on data cards to power you through when your Wi-Fi network is not working well or is unreliable.

Ideal for streaming

You can use data cards for having fun as well. Aside from the work-based examples stated above, you can simply use a data card for downloading videos, streaming your favourite TV shows, watching YouTube, playing music, etc.

Therefore, data cards are a great option to stay connected to the internet, regardless of where you might be. The perfect data card will ensure that you have a strong network, provides a reliable internet connection, enough bandwidth, less lagging and more.

While looking at the best data cards, do ensure that you also look at the data plans alongside. Data cards need to be recharged regularly, so the complete recharge journey of such devices must be also easy and seamless. You can try having a look at the Airtel dongles, which are amazing devices at a competitive budget and offer wide range of plans.

Recharging an Airtel dongle is also quite effortless because you can use the Airtel Thanks online recharge app to get it done in a jiffy.


"Jason is a dedicated writer at, passionate about delivering engaging content that informs and inspires readers. With a sharp eye for detail and a commitment to quality, Jason creates articles that resonate with diverse audiences."

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